My daily cocktail consist of the following:
4000mcg of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
200mg of COQ10
1000mg of Vitamin B12
2000iu of Vitamin D
1 Prenatal Vitamin for Folic Acid (obviously not because I am pregnant)
I have to say, day two of my vitamins and I feel like Superman! I am not sure why vitamins affect me the way they do, but I feel like I have had a cup of coffee within an hour or two of taking them. I am assuming this is due to the B12, which gives you energy. I am highly susceptible to caffeine and is the reason I don’t drink coffee, therefore I am interested to see how my sleep cycle is affected with this increase in energy. Yet, for the first time in a long while, not only did I sleep like a champ but I actually popped up this morning, wide awake, ready to save the world before my alarm went off. This could be awesome!
I also went on a grocery store run yesterday. Interesting bit of information: Did you know that EVERYTHING either has fat in it or cholesterol? I think I spent an hour standing there thinking how I was going to work this equation to my benefit. I am assuming lowest fat possible with no Cholesterol? But the sugar is higher, and I DON’T want a report that my sugar has gone up. Who knew there was some rocket science involved with eating healthy?
On top of that, you’re going to spend about 10-15% more for your groceries. No wonder our country is on a fast track to obesity. It is cheaper for a single mother to feed her kinds McDonalds than it is to go buy fresh fruits and vegetables. This saddens me knowing our society puts a high price on good health. The domino effect kicks in as we end up spending more on our medical bills, the price of insurance goes up, people drop their insurance and spend the rest of their life in debt and in bad health. What a vicious cycle.
Friday nights used to be for partying, meeting up with friends and having a good time. Getting older does have its downside. For me on this Firday night, my schedule includes the gym then home for a date with ChaLEAN. Oh how I hate that woman. Details on that in a later blog post. That one is Leighanne’s fault.
She may kick your butt, but you leave her feeling much better. Can't wait for our date with ChaLEAN tonight.